

报告人 题目 报告材料 报告简介
孙玮 Statistical Inference and evaluation of Economic Information PDF This presentation provides a frontier modeling structure in high-frequency financial econometrics, i.e., Levy fractional stable noise for modeling univariate high-frequency time series data and Levy fractional stable noise with copulas for modeling multivariate high-frequency time series data.
徐景实 小波分析介绍 PDF 本报告首先介绍小波的发展历史和小波的的优点,其次介绍小波的应用,例如小波在数学领域、量子力学与理论物理、信号与图像、工程技术等方面以及军事上的应用,最后介绍小波变换的数学理论。
王征宇 Variational Inequality and Complementarity Problems -- An Introduction to Theory, Algorithms and Backgrounds PDF In this report we present an introduction to the variational inequality and complementarity problems, mainly on the backgrounds of the problems and the algorithms for the problems. On the backgrounds we include the source problems from optimization, Nash-equailibrium models and the simulation of free boundary problems arising from mechanical engineering. On the numerical algorithms we put the emphasis on the on interior points methods and on Newton-like methods applied to equation reformulations (usually non-smooth).
劳维 金融模型的模型风险及贝叶斯决策 PDF We study Bayesian decision making based on observations (Xi : i \in {0, 1, . . . n}) (T>0, n \in N) of the discrete-time price dynamics of a financial asset, when the hypothesis is a (non-)homogeneous n−period binomial model and the alternative is a different (non-)homogeneous n−period binomial model. We obtain some exact formulae for the corresponding Bayes risk and for related Iα−divergences. We also investigate the corresponding limits as the observation gaps tend to zero (i.e. n→∞).
陈琪 数学在计算机辅助几何设计中的应用 PDF 本报告首先简单介绍计算机辅助几何设计所研究的主要问题和它的发展历史。数学在这个领域中起了决定性的作用,一些常用的数学方法将被介绍,特别是曲线和曲面的Bézier表示方法和Bézier技术将被详细描述。之后将介绍两个实例:1、通过物体表面上一些点的信息构造物体的模拟表面,并且求出该面的特征信息,例如曲率和曲率线等;2、通过折纸模型重构物体。最后简单介绍作者目前的研究领域和研究成果。
姚方 Macroeconomic research PDF The distinguishing feature of this model is that we clone the Calvo-rigidity-assumption to study the effect of institutional labor rigidity(ILR) on the economic dynamics in a DSGE framework. I find that, comparing to laissez faire market solution, ILR makes labor market less volatile but more persistent, and rigidity in the labor market also gives rise to the humped-shaped impulse responses of labor and output. Furthermore, we conduct a welfare analysis on the optimal labor market policy and find ILR is not optimal in long run, however, in short-run (up to 15 quarters), it improves utility of agents temporarily. Thus this timing effect could be the reason why it is widely used by the “myopic” policymakers despite its inefficiency in long run. After all, I argue that labor market rigidity plays an important role in the business cycles fluctuations and has profound impact on the economic policies, which deserves more researcher’s attention.



联合年会开幕 主持人孙玮

        接下来,由数学学会主席劳维致辞。她首先讲述了数学学会成立的初衷和宗旨,并结合明年德国科研教育部推出“2008数学年”的活动提出了学会今后的发展计划。之后,宣读了数学学会三位荣誉会员及顾问(卡尔斯鲁厄大学副校长兼概率与统计研究所所长Prof. Henze,亚琛工业大学数学系郭余宝教授,清华大学计算机系网络技术研究所黄连生教授)分别为这次数学学会成立大会发来的祝词。此后,由经济学会主席陈江霞讲话,她讲述了经济学会成立20年以来经历的风风雨雨、开展的积极活动以及取得的丰硕成绩,并介绍了经济学会与其它在德华人学术团体之间的合作情况。最后由柏林使馆何康林博士发言,他向数学学会成立以及经济学会20周年表示了祝贺,并提出对两个学会在今后发展中的希望。至此,这次经济学会与数学学会的联合年会正式拉开了序幕。

数学学会劳维发言  经济学会陈江霞发言
何康林博士致辞 孙玮介绍数学学会会标


王立凡做学术报告 孙玮做学术报告
徐景实教授做学术报告 王征宇副教授做学术报告
许闲做学术报告 劳维做学术报告
陈晔做学术报告   姚方做学术报告
王庆伟做学术报告  张晓晶做学术报告

